Diving Out Of Touch is the moniker of artist Adrian Sinclair Hogg.


Since 2017 I’ve been working full-time creating artwork. My journey as a psuedo-autodidact artist (one who has studied quite a bit through online resources, texts and experience) started with experimentation and will end with experimentation.

My early paintings, 2017-2020 I was experimenting with metaphysical imagery, a lofty way of saying I’d just paint the images that popped into my mind. A lot of the time yielding average results, I chose to keep around the paintings that were worth while and have destroyed the rest.

Mid 2020 I shifted my method of creation to one that utilizes the concept of “the doom scroll” to develop the pieces. Much as we are bombarded with images rapidly from our cellphones, I bombard the canvas with those very images. Painting what I see, seeing the vapid garbage that makes up social media, and trying to compose something interesting out of it. Possibly create beauty.

Since then the artworks have become less about creating a window into another world that makes sense, and more about relentlessly attacking the canvas with imagery as a means of expression. I like to bring the composition to a breaking point with all the imagery I pile on, curating the subject just enough to still be a cohesive piece.

My newest series I have incorporated another method of experimentation, which I’ll talk about more when the series feels actualized.